
Our ERP software can be used by any factory or sector interested in upgrading to electronic permits, incident management, and predictive analysis from a manual permit-to-work system and incident management.

Electronic permit to work system


Our E-PTWC is an ERP with 3 type of Major Permits supporting documents includes JSA, WRA, SIMOPS, Isolation Management, Audits and Lesson Learnt.

Incident reporting system


Our CiFIRS is an integrated reporting system that encompasses Equipment Failure, Loss of Containment, and environmental reporting into one reporting system.

perdictive maintenance for oil and gas industry

Ci PredMaint

Our Ci PredMaint contains Trained models on data from various equipment, including pumps, gas engines, gas turbine and compressors for Oil & Gas industry.

Electronic permit to work system

Cognitive Intelligence

Cognitive intelligence is referred to as human mental ability and understanding developed through thinking, experiences and senses. Everywhere people use their our experience out of their work experience to carry out their job in a safe way. We believe that a worker who is experienced in the field equipment for more than 20 years will have more knowledge than a fresher or with as little as 1-5 years of experience as the same the Cognitive Intelligence will be high for an experienced than a fresher.

So our software will collect all the data from the user from both experienced and fresher and the data will be analysed and algorithms will be created based on their usage our software will get energized by creating its own Work Permit with the user Cognitive intelligence from our algorithm and if any Equipment selected will get all the information checked and the permit will get ready in few minutes rather spending 30 – 50 minutes.

Our Software

Now our CiePTW is a cognitive powered software where we study the user interface and our algorithms are the world best in Cognitive for the user to provide accurate results from the selection of the Permit Type and the Hazardous Zone and Zone Classification. We also select all the safety measures on Cognitive Intelligence collected from our algorithms. Our Main aim is to minimise the time for creating the permit as well delivering the top experienced Cognitive to all the users so as to provide a safe operation.

We implement the Company Isolation philosophy in our Dynamic P&ID and the interdependency of the Isolation will never compromised at any time. Even if the user didn’t follow the isolation Philosophy the software will implement all the safety measures in all Levels.

Incident reporting system

Incident Reporting Management

Incident Reporting Management is an integrated reporting system that encompasses equipment failure, Loss of Containment, and environmental reporting and injury/illness, into one reporting system.

The modules will cover the different types of incidents / classifications, levels of investigation and the appropriate way of addressing causes to avoid recurrence. The purpose of Incident Management is to report, investigate and learn from incidents that occur within the Company so that similar future incidents can be prevented. Incident management is an essential part of the risk management learning loop.

Our Incident Reporting Management Workflow
Incident Report | Investigation | Technical Review | Final Approval

  • Notification of Incidents to the relevant people in the organisation
  • Actual/Potential Loss Matrix
  • Identify correct cause and possible immediate cause
  • Implement Preventive / Corrective action
  • Track corrective action to closure
  • Share lesson learned
  • Prevent reoccurrence
Incident Investigation activities and step-by-step guidelines.
  • Fact Finding
  • Inspecting the Location
  • Collecting Background Information
  • Preserving Physical Evidence
  • Conducting Interviews
  • Conflicting Evidence
  • Supervisory Responsibilities
  • Identifying Missing Information
  • Underlying Causes and Human Factors
  • Establishing the Sequence of Events
  • Team Conclusions
  • Report
perdictive maintenance for oil and gas industry

Artificial Intelligence for safer, more reliable, and more efficient equipment.

From your plant data, we create a lot more value.
Artificial intelligence powered predictive workflow for industries

Our Software Advantage

  • Our software enables you to optimize your equipment data, decisions, and operations.
  • Data from a variety of equipment, such as pumps, gas engines, gas turbines, and compressors, was used to train our models.
  • We Develop predictive machine learning models to predict normal and healthy readings for offshore and onshore rotating equipment and process Instruments.
  • We Perform Anomaly detection to autonomously highlight deviation from desired setpoints and parameters.
  • We Improve equipment reliability by preventing equipment trips through early anomaly detection and warnings.
  • We Design prescriptive component to recommend follow-up action based on developed failure mode library with associated root causes.

Our Predictive Workflow

  • Data Collection from Plant Information(PI) Server or client Server
  • Data cleaning & processing
  • Development of Machine-Learning Modelling Methodology
  • Application for anomaly detection
Create more value from your equipment data.
We integrates your equipment data to create a consolidated equipment record and applies field-validated machine learning to:
  • Predict equipment failure, performance degradation, and other critical events.
  • Identify anomalous operations for an individual asset or across a system, without having to explicitly program alarms.
  • Optimize set point and control strategies around target business outcomes.